Botswana Laboratory HIE Workflow Implementation Guide
0.2.0 - ci-build

Botswana Laboratory HIE Workflow Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.2.0). See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Structures: Logical Models

These define data models that represent the domain covered by this implementation guide in more business-friendly terms than the underlying FHIR resources.

Botswana Lab Data Dictionary

Botswana Laboratory Data Dictionary - Logical Model

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide

Birth Place

Describes a Birth Place in the Omang System

Botswana Encounter (TODO)

Encounter resource for clinical encounters in Botswana

Botswana Lab Order Composition

This composition packages information needed to facilitate lab order communication between clinical systems in Botswana.

Botswana Lab Diagnostic Report

DiagnosticReport resource that holds the results of a lab order

Botswana Lab Observation

Observation resource that holds the result values a lab order in Botswana

Botswana Lab Task Resource

A Task resource for tracking order state and synchronizing Lab Order communication in Botswana

Botswana Patient

A patient in a Botswana Health System

PIMS Lab Profile Service Request

A service request representing a PIMS lab profile as part of a PIMS lab order.

PIMS Lab Test Service Request

A service request representing a PIMS lab test as part of a PIMS lab order.

Botswana Practitioner

A practitioner in a Botswana Health System

Basic Botswana Lab Service Request

A service request a lab order for for a given patient.

Death Certificate

Death Certificate in the Omang System

Omang System Patient

A patient in the Omang system

PIMS Patient

A patient in a PIMS instance

Structures: Data Type Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide

Botswana National Identifier

A national-level identifier for Botswana, usually either OMANG or a Passport number.

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide

IPMS Facility Code Valueset

IPMS Facility Code Valueset

Botswana Diagnostic Report Status Flag

The status of the diagnostic report, subset from

Botswana Lab Order Code

The code for the lab order.

Botswana Intent for Lab Task

The intent of the task, subset from

Botswana Status for Lab Task

The status of the task, subset from

MFL Facility Code Valueset

MFL Facility Code Valueset

Status Values for PIMS Lab Orders
Status Values for PIMS Lab Orders
PIMS Lab Test Codes

PIMS Lab Test Codes

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide

IPMS Facility Codes

IPMS Facility Codes

BW MFL Facility Codes

BW MFLFacility Codes

PIMS Lab Class Code System

PIMS Lab Class Code System

PIMS Lab Order Status Code System

PIMS Lab Order Status Code System

PIMS Lab Test Code System

PIMS Lab Test Code System

Terminology: Concept Maps

These define transformations to convert between codes by systems conforming with this implementation guide

IPMS Facility Code Mappings

Mapping between IPMS facility codes and BW MFL codes

PIMS Lab Order Diagnostic Report Status Mapping

Mapping PIMS Lab Order Status to standard DiagnosticReport status value set.

PIMS Lab Order Service Request Status Mapping

Mapping PIMS Lab Order Status to standard ServiceRequest status value set.

PIMS Lab Order Status Task Mapping

Mapping PIMS Lab Order Status to standard Task status value set.

PIMS tblkLabTest <-> LOINC

Mapping PIMS Lab Test Codes to LOINC.

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like

Birth Place

Birth Place for Patient

Laboratory DiagnosticReport

Example Laboratory DiagnosticReport

IPMS Observation #1

Example IPMS Observation

IPMS Observation #2

Example IPMS Observation

BW PIMS ServiceRequest 2

Example ServiceRequest resource representing a IPMS Lab Order

BW Lab Bundle

Composition Bundle containing Lab Order Information for the Botswana HIE

Example PIMS Lab Composition

Example Lab Order Composition

Example IPMS Results Lab Bundle

Example IPMS Results Lab Bundle translated from HL7 ORU message

BW PIMS Practitioner

Example PIMS Practitioner

BW PIMS ServiceRequest 1

Example ServiceRequest resource representing a PIMS Lab Order

BW PIMS ServiceRequest 2

Example ServiceRequest resource representing a PIMS Lab Order

BW PIMS ServiceRequest Profile

Example ServiceRequest resource representing a PIMS Profile

BW Requested Lab Task

Example Task for Requested Lab Orders and Results in Botswana

Death Certificate

Death Certificate Information for Patient

PIMS Facility

Example PIMS Facility

IPMS Facility

Example IPMS Facility

IPMS Patient

Example IPMS Patient

PIMS Location

Example PIMS Facility Location

IPMS Location

Example IPMS Facility Location

Omang Patient

Omang Patient

PIMS Patient

Example PIMS Patient

BW Patient

Example International Botswana Patient